Visualization methods in the clinic

Dentistry is closely linked with X-ray diagnostics; therefore, visualization methods represent an inseparable part of dentistry. X-ray diagnostics is often essential if we want to define the diagnosis and its subsequent treatment.

X-rays offer 2D visualization of a given area as well as a very quick diagnostics of:

– caries in interdental spaces and under fillings, which are not visible to the eye
– chronic inflammation changes around roots, cysts
– right endodontic treatment
– position of unerupted wisdom teeth
– fracture in jaws or mandibula and many more.


All officies of our clinic are equipped with röntgenom – Gender expert, Hyper Sphere a RVG systémom TROPHY a SUNI. With their help, we can do an X-ray immediately, followed by a quick diagnosis. If the X-rays are connected to a computer, such an X-ray performance is minimally risky. Using the SUNI intraoral camera, you can see the actual condition of the patient's mouth, change the patient's details of their teeth, and map the condition in the oral cavity.

The clinic has a panoramic X-ray device MYRAY for making OPG and 3D CT scans..

Rontgen ambulancii Stonek v Kosiciach - detailne urcenie diagnozy - MUDr. Kucera Jan PhD
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